alle News & Events
DILAX Wins Tender to Upgrade the Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) System for Stuttgart‘s Public Transit
DILAX has won the tender from Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) for the renewal of the automatic passenger counting (APC) system.
Smart Software Solutions for Modern Public Transportation
The smart software solutions from DILAX help transport companies to optimize their operations and offer their customers a first-class service. In this article, we explain exactly how DILAX Citisense®, DILAX Samplics and DILAX Mercury help to make public transport smarter and more effective.
More Comfort for Bus Replacement Services: Precise Passenger Counting in Use on the Riedbahn
Smooth bus replacement services on the Riedbahn – DILAX's automatic passenger counting system supports precise data collection and analysis of passenger traffic.
Automatic Passenger Counting (APC): A Guide
Automatic passenger counting systems (APCs) are the most reliable source for passenger numbers and usage behavior. They record people's movement patterns in public spaces and when boarding public transport. This guide explains what this is good for and how exactly it works.
May 14-16, 2024
Meet us at IT-Trans in Karlsruhe!
Meet the DILAX team at IT-Trans on May 14-16, 2024. Find us at our booth in hall 1, J15.
November 9, 2023, 02:00 p.m. CET
Here to stay
The future financing of local public transport is currently on everyone's lips, especially in the context of the Deutschlandticket. As recently as August, Federal Transport Minister Wissing ruled out additional federal funding for the model. The funds are probably sufficient for 2023, but concrete figures on the subsidies required for 2024 are still missing. In the DILAX Lab, we talk to Jörg Niemann from Rödl & Partner.
7th September 2023, 2:00 pm CET
Automatic Passenger Counting
Passenger numbers are one of the most important key figures in public transport. It is best collected with an automatic passenger counting system, which provides the most reliable and meaningful results.
April 27, 2023, 02:00 p.m. CET
DILAX Citisense®
Passenger counting data holds a lot of information about peak times, vehicle load, or even live occupancy. While these are very relevant KPIs in public transport, the real magic of passenger counting data lies in the many operational benefits that can be derived from it. To make these benefits accessible you need a powerful software solution that can process counting data and turn it into knowledge. In the DILAX Lab, Sama Beheshti, Senior Product Manager at DILAX, will share the benefits of an analytics software for passenger counting data.
April 27, 2023, 02:00 p.m. CET
APC on board
Automatic passenger counting systems (APC) have many advantages: from revenue sharing and observing passenger flows to optimizing fleet management and intelligent incident management in an emergency. Sascha Herion tells us in the DILAX Lab what transport companies should consider when purchasing and commissioning an APC system.
February 23, 2023, 02:00 p.m. CET
Revenue sharing done right
Why and how are revenues distributed among transport authorities? What parameters and models are used for distribution and what advantages does automatic passenger counting offer in this context? Our host Christine Quast will be talking about these and other questions on February 23rd in the DILAX Lab with Dr. Manfred Ritschel.
December 08, 2022, 02:00 p.m.
Traveling the first mile
How long does it take you to go to the nearest bus stop or train station? Would you consider this “walking distance”? For many people, especially those living in the suburbs, the nearest train or bus station is often a 20-minute walk away, sometimes even longer. We call this “the first and last mile”, and it is not only an issue of convenience, but of accessibility.
November 17, 2022, 2 p.m. CET
The Mobility Data Space
In the DILAX Lab on November 17, 2022 at 2 p.m. Christine Quast and her two guests Andreas Heindl, acatech and Birgit Heinke, Q PERIOR will talk about how the Mobility Data Space (MDS) promotes future-oriented mobility services and data-based business models.
September 29, 2 pm CET
Improving the Passenger Experience
In the DILAX Lab on September 29, 2022 at 2 p.m., host Romina Lecherbauer, Senior Market Development Manager at DILAX, will discuss strategies for operators to increase attractiveness of public transport with guest Marc Figuls.
August 25, 2 pm CET
Connected data for better public transport
In the DILAX Lab on August 25, 2022 at 2 p.m., moderator Julia Hinze, Director Sales and Marketing at DILAX, will discuss the public transport digitization initiative with guests Dr. Stephan Hörold and Sefa Tasdemir.
September 20-23, 2022
DILAX at InnoTrans 2022
From September 20-23, 2022, DILAX exhibits at InnoTrans in Berlin. The leading international trade fair for transport technology will be held for the first time in four years at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. Our team is looking forward to meeting customers, partners and international colleagues at InnoTrans. Come visit us in hall 2.1, booth 450!
June 30, 2 pm CET
Design meets data
In the DILAX Lab on June 30, 2022 at 2 p.m., moderator Christine Quast, Channel Manager at DILAX, discusses information design in public transit with guest expert Viktoria Brandenburg.
May 10-12, 2022
Meet us at IT-Trans in Karlsruhe!
Meet the DILAX team at IT-Trans on May 10-12, 2022. Find us at our booth in hall 1, K6.
DILAX awarded ISO 27001 certification
We are very pleased to announce that DILAX has successfully passed the certification audit and was awarded the ISO/IEC 27001 certification with the support of Bureau Veritas. We look forward to continue to be a trusted partner to our customers today and in the future.
May 19, 2 pm CET
Autonomous Bus Operation in Public Transit
In the DILAX Lab on May 19, 2022 at 2 p.m., moderator Elena Adler, Sales Manager at DILAX, discusses the possibilities of autonomous vehicles in public transit with guest expert Dr. Ulrike Weinrich.
April 28, 2 pm CET
The Sample Counts
In the DILAX Lab on April 28 2022 at 2 p.m., moderator Elena Adler, Sales Manager at DILAX, discusses the new sample planning tool with guest expert Jan Nicklisch.
March 31, 2022, 2 pm CET
Making live occupancy data a standard
In the DILAX Lab on March 31, 2022 at 2 p.m., moderator Elena Adler, Sales Manager at DILAX, discusses live occupancy data in public transit with guest Tomas Jonsson.
March 16-17, 2022
Meet us at Autonomy Paris!
Meet the DILAX team at Autonomy in Paris on March 16-17, 2022. Find us at our booth in Pavillon 6, F-15.
February 24, 2022, 2 pm CET
Is exact automatically fair?
In the DILAX Lab on February 24, 2022 at 2 p.m., Julia Beumer, Director Sales & Marketing at DILAX, discusses revenue sharing in public transit with guest Dr. Manfred Ritschel.
January 27, 2022, 2 pm CET
Are shared data good data?
In the DILAX Lab on January 27, 2022 at 2 p.m., Julia Beumer, Director Sales & Marketing at DILAX, talks with her two guests about the relevance of the amendment to the German Passenger Transport Act (PBefG) for public transport authorities, the added value of shared data and how public transport cooperates with on-demand providers.
November 2021
Occupancy measurement and analysis with DILAX Citisense® at SBB CFF FFS
In the current issue 11/12 2021 of Nahverkehrspraxis magazine, Jan Nicklisch, VP Solution Development at DILAX, writes about the intelligent and efficient use of mobility data in public transport. The Swiss Federal Railways is also a DILAX customer and has been using the DILAX Citisense® business intelligence software to analyze data from the Automatic Passenger Count (APC) since this year. In this interview, David Seematter from SBB CFF FFS answers six quick questions about the use of DILAX Citisense®.
November 2021
How Mein Outlet & Shopping-Center Bremerhaven analyzes what excites their customers on a daily basis
November 25, 2021, 2 pm CET
Train stations reimagined
In the DILAX Lab on November 25, 2021 at 2 p.m., Julia Beumer, Head of Sales Solution Business at DILAX talks with Alice Lunardon and Romina Lecherbauer about the vision of the train station of the future and the potential of data-driven development of new models.
November 11, 2021 at 1:30pm
DILAX joins Women in Mobility panel discussion at MES Insights
MES Insights is the digital format accompanying MES Expo, the mobility supplier electronics expo. On November 11, DILAX will join in a panel discussion on the topic: "Who are the users? Diverse perspectives on data-driven mobility", hosted by women in mobility, a professional network for women in the mobility industry.
October 28, 2021, 2 pm CET
How does the bus become faster than the car?
Julia Beumer talks with Oliver Rübel from Hamburger Hochbahn and Niklas Hoffmann, Consultant at the Mobility Institute Berlin, about the sustainable mobility strategy of the Hanseatic city that has become known as "Hamburg-Takt". How was the project set up and planned, and which levers really make public transport faster? Find out in this DILAX Lab episode.
September 23, 2021, 2 pm CET
Best Practice: Short vacation at the outlet center
In this DILAX Lab episode, Susan Heinze, Customer Success Manager at DILAX, talks to Ralf Steinebrunner. He is the Center Manager of Mein Outlet & Shopping Center in Bremerhaven and looks back on many years of experience in the industry. In the DILAX Lab, Ralf Steinebrunner shares his approach to defining, measuring and developing the customer experience together with resident retailers.
September 22, 2021, 2 to 6.15 p.m. CET
DILAX Customer Forum in Kreuzlingen (CH)
On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 2 p.m., Aris Parrancini and his team invite customers and partners for the second time to the DILAX Customer Forum at the Kreuzlingen office. On the agenda are two innovations: the new Structured Light Sensor DILAX SLS-1000 and the DILAX Remote Access and Maintenance Tool.
August 26th 2021, 2 p.m.
Changing Mobility Habits
In this DILAX Lab, we talk to Dr. Julia Schuppan and Dr. Kerstin Stark about their new study "The city of tomorrow: challenges and solutions for sustainable urban mobility". Julia Beumer, DILAX Head of Sales, moderates the conversation.
Structured light for new public transport services
This article by our colleague Tom Tipolt, Head of System Solution & Consulting, DILAX, about established and new APC technologies and the importance of APC data for attractive public transport and thus the achievement of climate targets in cities and municipalities, appeared in the summer issue of the trade journal "Der Stadtverkehr".
June 24, 2021
Restart for Retailers - How to bring people back to the stores
What will define the shopping experience of the future? What new trends can be identified after the pandemic and how do online and offline retail dovetail with each other? In this DILAX Lab episode, Julia Beumer, Head of Sales Solution Business at DILAX, discusses this with Christian Danne, Center Manager of the East Side Mall in Berlin, and Jan Nicklisch, VP Solution Development at DILAX.
June 10, 2021
Access booster data - How to develop your liveable x-minute city
In this DILAX Lab episode our guest is Erik Ooms, scientist, consultant and expert in the planning of liveable cities. He shares with us his vision of the city of the future and its mobility solutions.
May 27, 2021
Understanding Passenger Flow - How gender shapes mobility needs
In this DILAX Lab episode we talked with Viktoriia Betina, a Transport and Mobility Consultant at Ramboll Germany, about how the use of mobility services differs between men and women and what needs to be changed to make public transport more attractive to women and all passengers.
May 19 - May 20, 2021
DILAX at the Autonomy Digital 2.0
At this year's Autonomy we presented our new sensor, the SLS-1000, and had an exciting panel dicussion with different experts. Romina Lecherbauer, Sales Manager at DILAX, talked with our guests about how public transport can be made more accessible for everyone and which role local data can play in this.
May 6, 2021
Dismantling mobility barriers through data - A strategy for accessible transport
On Thursday, May 6 the new episode of our DILAX Lab came out. This time, we were happy to welcome our guest speaker Tally Hatzakis to our webinar. Tally is a project manager with the TRIPS project, an initiative which aims to make public transport more accessible for persons with disabilities. We talked with her about concepts for inclusive mobility and what role APC data can play in this.
April 22, 2021
#SensingWithCare - Launch event
Watch our digital product launch “Sensing with care – How an innovative sensor makes for better cities” and see how we turn future visions into present day realities.
March 25, 2021
Using Open Data for Customer Satisfaction
February 25, 2021
Transformation Strategies for the Future of Cities
February 5, 2021
APC-Data in Realtime
Skånetrafiken, the transport association of the province of Scania (Skåne in Swedish), organizes all public transport in the south of Sweden, including the connection to Copenhagen.
January 28, 2021
Designing Urban Spaces - How To Use Data For City Development
December 10, 2020
Real-time Data in Public Transport - Hype or Opportunity
November 26, 2020
Digital Revolution in Public Transit - Theory to Practice
November 11, 2020
Public Transit - Why the future takes buses and trains
April 21, 2020
Quick help for retailers: DILAX Live Occupancy
This week, many retailers in Germany may reopen their shops after the corona lockdown. To keep their customers and staff safe in their stores, it is important that they meet #socialdistancing guidelines.